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Sex - Anne Imhof


Anne Imhof (Gießen, Germany, 1978) is one of the most innovative artists of her generation. Her durational performances offer an unprecedented expression of our contemporary world.
Articulated into paintings, sculptures, performances, architectural elements, music, and drawings, the art of Imhof manifests the tensions of contemporary experience, in which physicality is increasingly mediated by digital communication. The particular tones of our time, including narcissism, alienation, melancholy, and emotional torment, are essential components of her universe.

Developed according to a precise sequence and through important collaborations, Imhof’s actions see numerous performers gather and move, mingling at times with the public according to an imaginary system that is also linked to underground musical culture.
Published on the occasion of SEX, 2019–21, a collaboration between Tate Modern, The Art Institute of Chicago, and Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, this book, designed in close collaboration with the artist and her team, thoroughly documents this work.

Skira, 2024
Hardcover, 464pp 
280 x 240mm 

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