"Narcissism" Stickers - John Yuyi
'Ex Libris' Bookplate - AA Bronson
1 2 3 2 1 - Yuan Yao
100 Chairs in 100 Days and its 100 Ways (5th edition, 5th size) - Martino Gamper
14 chansons et 1 charade / 14 songs and 1 riddle / 14 chansons und 1 rätsel - Robert Filliou
1983 YMO 'Chaos' Japan Tour
1990 WESTWOOD Blvd - Yann Faucher and Adam Winder
2 exhibitions of books produced by fine art publisher Hansjörg Mayer.
£145.00 £125.00
200 Images and 2 Videos Exploring our Relationship with Consumption
20th Century Alienation - David Horvitz
20th Century Women Screenplay Book - Mike Mills
28 Girls - Kishin Shinoyama
3.33333333.....x3 vol.1 Dogs in Berlin - Maki Ishii
3.33333333.....x3 vol.3 Zoo in Berlin - Maki Ishii
4'44" - Jiyoung Wi
50 Fashion Ideas You Really Need to Know - 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series - Jessica Bumpus
A Bookshop of One's Own: How a group of women set out to change the world - Jane Cholmeley
A Compendium of Print Advertising From The Simpsons
A Day and Night at the Baths - Michael Rumaker
A Dictionary of Color Combinations - Sanzo Wada
A Dim Cozy Room - Shigeo Otake
A Double Life - Nan Goldin
A Finger in the Fishes Mouth - Derek Jarman
A Garden by the Sea
A Garden Manifesto - Olivia Laing & Richard Porter
A heavy rain with thunder. - David Horvitz
A History of the East End - Chris Dorley- Brown
A History of Women in 101 Objects - Annabelle Hirsch
A is for Ant - Jack Davison