Reading List

To compliment, expand and create tangents to some of the themes of the current show with our partner Tenderpixel.

M/Other Tongue: Reading List 
How then do we hear a shared language of the mountain, the fox or the lamp?
Tenderbooks has put together a reading list to coincide with M/Other Tongue at Tenderpixel. This collection of books includes texts by Deleuze and Guattari, Mladen Dolar and TC McCormack as well as a script of the 1972 installation 'Hearing' by Robert Morris, a book-length anagram and discussions on the speech of things and the phonetics of skin



A Voice and Nothing More - Mladen Dolar

Plutarch tells the story of a man who plucked a nightingale and finding but little to eat exclaimed : “You are just a voice and nothing more.” Plucking the feathers of meaning that cover the voice, dismantling the body from which the voice seems to emanate, resisting the Sirens’ song of fascination with the voice, concentrating on “the voice and nothing more”: this is the difficult task that philosopher Mladen Dolar relentlessly pursues in this seminal work.

Return to Leptis Magna - Anna Barham 

Return To Leptis Magna is composed entirely from anagrams of the title, revealing streams and webs of words, associations and meanings embedded within the phrase.

Kafka. Towards a Minor Literature - Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari

For Delueze and Guattari, literature - especially minor literature - cannot be a refuge. They see such writing as essentially political in nature, intimately concerned with the relation between language and power.

Hearing - Robert Morris 

Robert Morris' sculptural installation "Hearing" (1972) includes an audio recording of a fictitious hearing that is focussed on the aesthetic, political, historical and moral views of a "witness". The work is taken as a point of departure for conceptual art.

Dumb Fixity 

Dumb Fixity arose from a desire to measure an abstract set of phenomena, working on the premise that things can speak, and to find a means of hearing what they are telling us.

Phonetic Skin

Phonetic Skin is concerned with skin and its relation to language. The term “skin” is used here as a metaphor. 

What's My Name - Karl Holmqvist

Inspired by T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, Karl Holmqvist uses a writing method mainly based on quotes, which now includes a diverse range of sources, from beat and concrete poetry, to cut-up lines from films and popular songs – often quoted in their entirety.

Perform a Lecture 

Six events held at different places in Berlin in 2010 provided the occasion for this publication, that aims at shedding light on a peculiar subgenre of Performance – the Lecture Performance.

Towards a Further Word - Katarina Zdjelar

Katarina Zdjelar’s video, sound, and text works all document a moment of physical expression, which takes on visual and audible form in the transition from speech to music.

A New Concise Reference Dictionary of Art - Neal Brown 

Between 2010, and 2013 ArtReview magazine published twenty-six columns of Brown’s Dictionary, an A-Z of art and the art world.

A man in a room spray-painting a fly...(or at least trying to) - Francesco Pedraglio 

Conceived as a carefully staged gathering of texts slowly composing a unique, layered narrative, the book develops around a main character presented, like literature, as a corpse to be reanimated ad absurdum.