Groupies and Other Girls.

Groupies and Other Girls.


WOLMAN, Baron, John Burks & Jerry Hopkins. 
Groupies and Other Girls. 
First edition. 8vo. 160pp. B&w plates. New York: Bantam Books, 1970. 

Brilliant little book that describes itself as: “A Frank and Freaky Speakin with the Daughters of the Rock Revolution.” This is Baron Wolman’s Legendary groupies project for Rolling Stone in 1969 expanded and republished in book form. Featuring interviews, reports, pictures and very much focusing on the girls themselves rather than the rockers they hung out with. Whilst working for Rolling Stone Wolman began to notice that aside from the usual hangers-on at concerts, there were women who “had obviously spent an inordinate amount of time and effort putting themselves together for their backstage appearance,” he says. “They were not just hanging out, they were strutting.” Style and fashion mattered greatly. They were “a subculture of chic”.

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