Notre pain quotidien. - Lalie Thébault Maviel.


"There is religious bread that is blessed, social bread that is put on the table, political bread that provokes revolts, tourist bread that is carried under the arm, gastronomic bread that is prepared in a thousand ways. Bread is more a bearer of meaning than of knowledge." Marie Astier, What bread do we want?, Edition du Seuil, September 2016

Notre pain quotidien is a collection of images in the form of 156 iconographic plates. Drawn from a variety of media such as social networks, cookery books, learning manuals, audiovisual archives and so on, these images have been printed to the same scale, cut out and arranged by hand on the circumscribed space of A4 sheets. Moving from the crumbling to the global, these plates bring together, without hierarchy, but by theme, different aspects of the culture and iconography of bread. Over the pages, a collective memory unfolds around this staple and common food – from its manufacture to its most derivative uses.

Second Edition
Tombolo Presses, 2024
Softcover, 178pp 
297 x 210mm 

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